Why BIM is important?

BIM means Building Information Modeling, it is obviously an intelligent solution for construction, architecture and related industries. Bim allows a lot of possibilities, solutions, that are applicable almost anywhere.
Just as we use social media to communicate, we also use BIM technology solutions to build an investment that will be connected into a coherent IT network, where each element, stage, has its own meaning, place, time and, most importantly, we can easily manage them without leaving home!
During the pandemic, thanks to BIM technology we can further develop projects without the need of permanent meetings and site visits. The necessary tools – design and coordination software, drones, scanners, virtual reality – help us with this. All necessary tools help us with this – design and coordination software, drones, scanners, virtual reality. Still on the other side there is always a man who coordinates the data technological resources.
For whom BIM should be the most important? For a designer? Contractor? Or maybe for an investor?
The answer is very simple! Of course, for the investor and building manager. The Intelligent facility management is the most important for them. In a software, in an application we have an object model with the documentation, all information about devices, elements, their properties and parameters. Thanks to the appropriate application we receive notifications about the need of technical inspections or the end of the warranty period.
BIM technology allows maintaining the building according to the required standards, as well as planning the reconstruction and renovation of any rooms, parts of the buildings. It is very important for new tenants who want to arrange the premises according to their needs.
BIM technology is mainly used in coordinating changes. Each record, documentation allows any changes like in a movie to play back what has been built at each stage of the project. We can forget about the litigation, visits of experts, investigations of by whom and at what stage the mistakes were made that caused the resulting complaints. Coordination of the BIM building from the beginning allows us to create a path where all tasks are recorded.
We know very well how important is to properly plan technological solutions to adapt the best solutions to different client’s needs.
Therefore, we invite investors and building managers for free consultations to talk about what BIM is and how to use it in concept phase, for planned, or already built investments.
For more information please write or call us!