Frequently asked questions about bim part.1

1.How does BIM work?
BIM is a multidimensional knowledge resource that aims to gather information about objects. This information is a reliable basis for decision making throughout objects’ life cycle. BIM is also a process whose goal is to design, construct and maintain an object throughout its service life. BIM helps all stakeholders understand, participate, communicate and collaborate in order to get high-quality results at all stages of the project. In recent years, many different software providers have introduced plenty of products with advanced BIM functions to create, implement, manage and store BIM models.
2. Where is BIM used?
The BIM process is used in the AEC industry (Architects, Engineers, Constructors). This is due to the fact that BIM is a change of view through the methodology of project data management in a digital format for use throughout the entire life cycle of the project. In addition, BIM supports the management of communication between individual entities and systematizes it. Regarding to the conceptual map of the BIM methodology, it looks as follows:
3. When was BIM created?
“The concept of BIM has been in development since the 1970s, but it only became an agreed term in the early 2000s. Development of standards and adoption of BIM has progressed at different speeds in different countries; standards developed in the United Kingdom from 2007 onwards have formed the basis of international standard ISO 19650, launched in January 2019.“
For more information about the inventor of BIM link
4. Why BIM level 2?
BIM level 2 allows collaborating between teams and tracking BIM processes. Level 2 should be required by the government for all construction projects in the public sector. At level 2, it is not yet possible for all team members to collaborate on one model at the same time, as at level 3. Why level 2? Because level 3 is still undefined.
The processes necessary to achieve BIM level 2 are set out in:
- Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM) — Information management using building information modelling
- Specification for information management for the operational phase of construction projects using building information modelling.
5. Will BIM replace qs (quantity surveyor)?
BIM will not replace a cost specialist but it will improve the specialist’s methodology. Cost specialists continue to use the same traditional processes. By using BIM, they can focus on implementation of their expertise and on project added value starting from the first project phases.Thanks to the possibilities offered by BIM, cost specialists can compare costs, simulate the impact of significant changes on the budget and optimize the parameters in order to obtain the best end result of the project. Those specialists will definitely have to broaden their knowledge of BIM methodology.
6. Which BIM software is the best?
There are many BIM software providers on the market today. The most popular software are: BIM 360, Tekla BIMsight, Revit, Navisworks, Archicad, AECOsim Building Designer, Trimble Connect, Hevacomp, Procore, SketchUp, Vectorworks Architect, PriMus IFC, Edificius, BricsCAD BIM, midas Gen, Allplan Architecture, VisualARQ, Buildertrend , Ajour. Each of them has its pros and cons. The choice of the right software depends primarily on the user’s needs, but also on the requirements of the customer or investor (For what type of work will the software be used and which aim has to be achieved thanks to this tools?).
7. Who is the owner of the BIM model?
The owner of the BIM model should be the owner of the object, while the architect should retain responsibility for the design. However, architects have concerns about taking responsibility for the whole BIM model because other project participants contribute to its creation. The model contains design and cost data, processes, tables, databases and graphic information. Regulations and the contract should clarify the responsibilities of each participants thus avoiding confusion.
8. What does BIM mean?
BIM means Building Information about an Object and it is a process of creation and management of information regarding a project throughout its service life. The key result of this process is the BIM model, i.e. a digital record of each construction stage. This model is based on information that is recorded during the entire investment cycle. BIM methodology optimizes investment and achieves the greatest benefit during the service life.
9. Is BIM and Revit the same thing?
BIM is a process that streamlines the course of construction investments, while Revit is one of the software tools that support this process. Revit is a software that allows creating a digital object. It is not BIM in itself.